Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our week in pictures

Oh my, we have had a wonderful week! We have had a week full of friends! Yay! We had friends over to our house Monday and Friday, and we went to a friend's house Tuesday (to pick out our seeds for this year's garden!!). So, this week there was...

Lots of little ones walking, running, wrestling around...

Lots of dress-up...

Lots of interaction, even with the littlest ones...

Some walks, and bird watching...

Some little girl minds planning together...

And some tired tired little feet...

Some more of Libby's photography...

Some enjoying Daddy being home...

And look! Look at this!!! Can you believe it? (Look, Kendra, do you believe it?)

After I took these pictures I had to gather up the mulch around these cold little green beauties. I can't believe they are coming up already. I didn't even notice them until I pulled the car farther up the driveway than usual to make room for some friend's cars.

What a week full of love, laughing, and so much play.

How was your week?


Anonymous said...

What a fun week you must have had. Those first flowers that come up in winter are such a sign of hope, aren't they?

Unknown said...

Hey Kendra! Yes, we had a load of fun. It was the last day that we had friends over (for a yummy lunch after La Leche League) that I found the flowers. The kids had a good time going out and trying to find all of them. Some of them were redish green and were hard to spot with the red mulch. Of course now they are covered in snow, so I hope they are hardy!