Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Daughter

 My daughter. The one who made me a mother, and who every day brings me to the end of myself. My patience is short, her questions are long. She is a leader. She is determined. She is nothing and everything like I thought she would be.

Yesterday morning, on the way to tend to a vacationing friend's garden (a blessing, as it will help to fill up our shelves for yummy eating through the winter), she was helping her little brother read their Children's Bible. About David, and how he protected his sheep from the lion and then His sheep from Goliath. About Daniel and how he was in the lion's den but did not get eaten. Her brother asked, "how did God do it?" She told him of His power. She said, "I will tell you how powerful He is. All He had to do was say 'tree' and there was a tree. There is nothing more powerful than God." So full of conviction, full of Truth, full to the brim with God-knowledge. How can I help but grow to be like her?

Lord, protect her believing heart. That when the enemy tries to convince her that what she believes is not real, she will have a strong foundation to stand on. Let her strength in You carry her on this path You pave ahead of her, and in her weakness may she draw closer to You.

And give me what I need to be the mother that she needs.


NatureMama said...

Mama, I LOVE your daughter. Thanks for giving my children such a strong, faith-filled friend. Trust me, I know that they surely will appreciate it, because I have told your mother the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing she is - totally not the timid little thing we figured she would be. You've taught her well and I know you will continue to be a shining example of faith to her and her siblings! I so love the mama and wife you have become. 8-) Mom

Unknown said...

Thanks :) My life would not be the same without both of you.