Tuesday, August 7, 2012

On the tablet of my heart

 It is early in the morning, and the thoughts hit me. The lies that the enemy knows I will easily believe. You really blew it. Why did you say that? Why did you act that way? You can image what they were saying about you. The truth is that it doesn't matter how it really went down, the enemy will always put a negative spin on it, and I will believe it, at least at first.

Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves? Why do we as women, wives, mothers, friends, sisters, always think so critically about ourselves? As the thoughts, the lies that I am trying hard not to believe, swirl and spin around, I feel myself tighten up. My heart clenches, my soul cries out. I cry out to Jesus to remind me of the truth. I cry for His protection around me, over me, through me. Because we all need that, and maybe we as women need it especially.

He lovingly takes my face in His hands and reminds me. Through the voice of Peter Furler He reminds me that it doesn't matter what other people think of me. When my focus is on Him alone I am truly alive. And so, again, I take my eyes off of me, put them on Him, and we move forward.

I walk downstairs and look around. I remember to choose thankfulness. I am thankful for chalk drawings, and how they have evolved over the last year. I am thankful for the quiet early morning moments with my husband, as we read through the Word together. I am thankful for ponytails on top of the head and endless summer afternoons.

I take a deep breath. Smile. And move forward to conquer my day, in thankfulness, love, and with the Truth written on the tablet of my heart.  


Tales of Beauty For Ashes said...

I love this, it is so similar to what I'm learning. God's voice is the only on that matters!!

Unknown said...

You are so right! And sometimes our minds are so full of our own voice or the voices of others that we can't hear His.

Falen said...

This is the frame of mind I was in when I started my blog. The voice of self-condemnation had a grip on me like no other. When I realized that when I thought of myself in such a horrible light I was 100% blind to what God thought of me. Upward Not Inward was birthed through this realization. Turning your face toward Him and realizing He is all that matters is something to be intentional about yet soooo worth the effort. Daily.

Thanks for linking up with us today!!


Beth said...

You've chosen wisely, Megan. It's something we all struggle with and Satan really loves to jump on our insecurities, but you've resisted his lies. It reminds me of James 4:7-8. "God came near" when you chose to trust Him and be grateful. I'm right there with you on this--working continually toward a grateful life. Great post as always!

Unknown said...

What a great post!!
God's voice is what matters most!
new follower~~

Unknown said...

F, I was so pleased to find your blog and see that you and I had similar thoughts :) So glad to have found you!

Beth, thank you! I am seeing more and more that we as women are so vulnerable when it comes to our own self-worth.

Pamala, thanks for following :) You are right, God's voice is really the only one I need to hear!

Tereasa said...

I am so glad you choose truth and walking in thankfulness. I loved reading all the little things you are thankful for. What a blessing!

Unknown said...

So true! Being worried about what others think is not where our focus should be. Thanks for linking up at Simply Helping Him! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Like mother, like daughter. 8-) So thankful you're learning to hear His truth earlier than I did! Mom

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for a ponytail on top of my head too! :) Great reminder to focus on Christ. Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!

Leslie Monroe said...

We are so hard on ourselves! We have to remember who we are in Christ and not beat ourselves up about some of the details. We matter and God has a plan for us!

Unknown said...

Yes, God does have a plan for us, and Satan will use every tool he can find to keep us from walking freely in that plan. We all need each other to encourage along the way :)

Tonya said...

Thank you for this post. It spoke to me!

Kelly said...

Satan SURE knows how to make us second guess everything we know is true and right doesn't he? I've been in the grips of this very thing at different parts of my life and when you are at those points it can be SO hard to seek his face because of Satan's grip. But when you do he grabs you and holds you and thank goodness for that!!!! Beautiful post! Thank you so much for linking up @ Into the Word Wednesday!